2 to 3 lbs. Turkey Breast or Thigh meat, boneless and sliced
1 Small to Medium Carrot
4 Stalks of Celery
1 Tbsp. Dried Oregano or 4 Stems 3"long Fresh Oregano, optional
1 tsp. Ground Fennel, optional
8 Cups Water
1 10 oz. Bag Frozen Thai Stir Fry Vegetables, Cascadian Farms
1 10 oz. Bag Frozen Organic Peas, Cascadian Farms
1 Tbsp. Basil Grapeseed Oil
1 Tbsp. Roasted Garlic Grapeseed Oil, optional
1. Place meat, carrot, celery, oregano, fennel, and water into pressure cooker. Bring up pressure and time the pressure to cook for 5 minutes. Then remove pot from hot burner and let sit for 5 minutes. Push button to bring pressure down and open the pot.
2. Remove the meat onto a platter to cool down.
3. Remove the vegetables and place in the vita mix with 1 & ½ cups of water. Start on Slow speed then take it to High speed to liquiefy vegetables and pour back into broth. Also, add the bags of frozen vegetables to the broth.
4. At this point, you should cut 1/3 to ½ of the meat up into small pieces and add to the soup. Cooking shears does a great job of this and add the basil grapeseed oil and if desired, also, the roasted garlic grapeseed oil. Salt to taste.
Save the rest of the meat and use it in other recipes.
Carol Brosius