½ Cup Tropical Traditions Coconut Cream
½ Cup Macadamia Nut Butter
1 tsp Sweet Leaf Stevia Plus
3 Tbsp Agave
6 Drops Organic Red Mandarine Orange Essential Oil, optional
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
2 Tbsp Powdered Maca
½ Cup Cold-Milled Flaxseed
2 or 4 Tbsp ACCELL
1. Start with the Coconut Cream and stir into this the stevia, agave, red mandarine orange essential oil and the vanilla.
2. Add the Macadamia Nut Butter and stir until well blended.
3. Next, add the Maca, the milled Flax and ACCELL .
4. Pat into a dish or roll into balls and refrigerate.
Do not use fresh ground flax, this will taste terrible. Cold-milled flax tastes great for this application.
Carol Brosius