
May 18, 2015

Marinated Dried Tomatoes With Essential Oils

2 - 3 oz. Packages Sonoma Dried Tomatoes
2 Cups Salute Sante Grapeseed Oil
1 Drop Oregano Essential Oil (Origanum compactum)
1 Drop Lemongrass Essential Oil (Cyobopagon citratus)
1 Drop Margoram Essential Oil (majorana hortensis)
1 Drop Fennel Essential Oil (Foeraiculum dulce)
2 Tbsp Dried Oregano
1 Tbsp Dried Marjoram
½ Tbsp Dried Basil

1. Pour boiling water over dried tomatoes and let sit for 5 minutes.

2. In a separate bowl mix the grapeseed oil, essential oils, oregano, marjoram, and basil together.

3. Drain the tomatoes, then, add them to the oil mixture.

4. Store in refrigerator.

- If desired, you can cut each tomato into strips before you add them to the oil marinade.
- The Essential Oils are optional to add.
May 18, 2015

Mushrooms & Vegetables

2 Fresh Basil Leaves (I used red Basil)
4 Medium Organic Portabella Mushrooms, sliced on bottom
½ Cup Organic Collards or Kale, chopped (I used Collards)
2 6-7" Organic Zucchini, peeled & cut in 1 inch hunks
8 Asparagus Spears
2 Tbsp. Water
Salute Sante Rosemary Grapeseed Oil

1. Rub inside skillet with the Basil Leaves.

2. Layer vegetable in the following order in pan: portabella mushrooms on bottom, the collards or kale, zucchini , and last on top, the asparagus spears. Add water and drizzle rosemary grapeseed oil on top.

3. Place lid on top of pan, heat on medium/high heat or #6. When skillet whistles, tilt lid until water from vegetables is evaporated, about 5 minutes. Serve immediately.

Use this as an accompaniment to poached Salmon with fresh herb and green salad.
May 18, 2015

Sprouted Almond Nuts


1. Cover your almonds with at least 2 to 3 inches of water, soak for 12 hours, rinse and drain.

2. Cover with water again and soak another 12 hours.

3. Drain excess moisture and put them in a dehydrator at 145 degrees or on high. If using an oven, place them on a cookie sheet at 150 degrees for about 48 hours. When tested they should be sweet, light and crunchy.
May 18, 2015

Sprouted Lentil Pate

1 Carrot
1 Celery
¼ Cup Salute Sante Grapeseed Oil
1 Cup Sprouted Steamed Lentils
2 Tbsp. Basil Grapeseed Oil
1 Tbsp. Salute Sante Roasted Garlic Grapeseed Oil
½ tsp. Salt or so as you desire
Put all ingredients into Vita Mix Blender . Start blender on slow , then put on high and use pamper to push down until thick and creamy.
May 18, 2015

Summer Steamed Greens

2 Cups Collards, cleaned and chopped
2 Cups Kale, cleaned and chopped
2 Cups Turnip Greens, cleaned and chopped
1 Cup Parsnips, cut matchstick style
2 Cups Carrots, cut matchstick style

1. Place all ingredients in whistle skillet with lid vent in open position with 1/3 cup water.

2. Place on #6 on an electric range with a high of 12.

3. When whistle sounds loud and steady, remove from heat and serve.

Serve with a lemon infused grapeseed oil or fresh garlic almond dressing.
May 18, 2015

Blended Seed Mixture

By: Carol Brosius

2/3 Cup Shelled Raw Sunflower Seeds
1/3 Cup Shelled Raw Pumpkin Seeds
¼ Cup Raw Almonds
1½ Cup Lakewood Pineapple Juice, or so - not from concentrate

1. Put the seeds in a bowl or a jar with the pineapple juice. Use enough juice so that the seeds are completely covered and there is an extra inch of juice over the top of the seeds.

2. Soak 6 hours or overnight.

3. Place the seeds in the Vita Mix. Blend until smooth.
May 18, 2015

Strained Juice Fiber

By: Dr. Jack Tips

4 Carrots
4 Celery
¼ Red Beets
Inch Ginger
Few Sprigs Parsley
1 Lemon, peeled

1. Juice of vegetables usually equals 20 ounces. ENJOY!

2. Place the pulp in the blender.

3. Bring 2 cups water just to a boil. Add to blender and blend on high to break down the cellulose and release RNA into the water. Let drip through strainer. Use for broth later or add to soup. Leaves 2 cups of fiber which you can use in Curry Pate.

If you are short on time, you can juice the vegetables, do the hot water in the blender with the pulp and strain the water. Put broth in refrigerator and the pulp to finish the next day. Remember to soak the seeds.

This information comes from the Pro-Vita Eating Plan - by Dr. Jack Tips.